Sturgeon are the prehistoric monsters of the depths. The
Columbia River is home to the giant population of White and Green Sturgeon reaching
lengths of 13’ and up to 400 Pounds. The average sturgeon measures 3 to 5 ft
and even these smaller fish will best the strongest tackle around.
The Columbia river does have several open seasons where
harvesting one of these great fish is possible. They are usually only last a
week to two weeks and happen at beginning of the year (January), one during the
springtime (May and June) and a couple of days in the Fall (September). The limit
is one fish per person and must measure between 42 and 50”.
You can practice catch and release year around, but some of
the best fishing is found in the late spring and summer time when the bigger
Sturgeon come out of the ocean and move their way up the river to spawn.
Anglers Guide Service usually targets they magnificent fish in July in the
estuary water closer to Buoy 10. The special part of this fishery is the fact
that we can catch these fish on 6 to 20 ft of water, which means extraordinarily
little lead and smaller rods. The fight that a sturgeon of 6’ can give you on
these lighter rods is nothing less then spectacular. There are also high
numbers at this time of year so hooking 20 or more fish and having multiple
numbers of fish on at a time can be the norm.
Please contact us at anglersguideservice@gmail.comto check on seasons and openings.